Le savoir-faire Made in France


🇸🇦 🇫🇷 🇸🇦
2nd day in Riyadh
Great job done by both our French suppliers and local partner. We are proud to annonce that the following products will be proposed at the prestigious @ritzcarltonruh @macaronsdeville , @lesvergersdelasilve & @patrick_font_officiel

2ème jour à Riyadh
Excellent travail réalisé par nos producteurs français et notre partenaire local. Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de vous annoncer que les produits suivants seront proposés au sein du très prestigieux Palace Ritz Carlton Riyadh : @macaronsdeville , @lesvergersdelasilve & @patrick_font_officiel .

#madeinfrance #frenchartdevivre #customization
(à The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh)

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🇬🇧 Made in France Halal beef cold cut orders under preparation.Arabic labeling operations prior to shipments. Stay tuned to know the final destinations… 🇫🇷 Commandes

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Fall & winter cheeses are available; Tartiflette. 😋 Tartiflette is a meal from Savoy area. It is a mix of cheese that melts easily (when

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From Rungis Market to finalize the last details with our logistics dream team: Arabic label, mandatory mentions, import documents… All is ok for this shipment

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