Le savoir-faire Made in France


Many thanks to @labrochegrillee for their warm welcome and for proposing our alcohol-free range @lepetitberet We ate and drank more than well! The @ldc.quality award is highly deserved!

Un grand merci à @labrochegrillee pour leur super accueil et pour proposer notre gamme sans alcool @lepetitberet On y a bien mangé et bien bu. Le prix décerné par @ldc.quality est amplement mérité!

#restaurationfrancaise #bretignysurorge (à Boucherie&co / la broche grillée)

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Fall & winter cheeses are available; Tartiflette. 😋 Tartiflette is a meal from Savoy area. It is a mix of cheese that melts easily (when

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From Rungis Market to finalize the last details with our logistics dream team: Arabic label, mandatory mentions, import documents… All is ok for this shipment

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